I’m a Yonanas convert!

I received a Yonanas machine as my birthday present (in advance) and now I’m a Yonanas convert! At least yesterday when I thought of Mr Bean’s soya bean ice cream, I was reminded of my batch of Yonanas ice cream in the freezer. And I went straight home despite the soya bean ice cream urge in the first place. So in that aspect, Yonanas won 1-0!

I’m a Yonanas convert!

So why did I become a Yonanas convert? Because it’s tasty, it’s healthy (guilt-free) and it’s fun!

Let’s talk about the first point: tasty! Hahaha before I had my own Yonanas machine and could only rely on web reviews and word-of-mouth, honestly I was sceptical about the taste on how similar it would be as compared to real ice-cream and I was so wrong! It actually tasted like ice-cream no doubt, and nothing is more amazing than eating a scoop of Yonanas fresh out from the freezer! Trust me, eat one scoop and I assure you that you will go for more and more. I usually mix and match the fruits that I have frozen the night before – key susspects include: bananas (a must), mangoes (somehow in constant supply in my house), strawberries, avocadoes etc. But my new favourite is my new-found red love: STRAWBERRIES!

That brings us to Yonanas being healthy. It’s 100% fruits, with no milk, no cream, no preservatives, no flavouring, no sugar, no artificial sweetener etc. added. So tell me, what could be more healthy than that? It’s basically pure fruits in another form – in the ice-cream form that is more delectable. And it’s such a healthy dessert that I’m feeling essentially guilt-free for eating a bowl of Yonanas at night haha. Now, let’s all say yes to healthy supper! wheeeeeeeeeeee!

Oh making Yonanas is really fun too! There’s really no step-by-step instructions to follow, it’s really just creativity. You have 3 fruits on standby – Fruit A, Fruit B and Fruit C. You can throw A, B, then C or C, A then B or B, C then A. Of course you can have more choice of fruits, but I’m just saying the choice of the fruits is up to you, and the order of the fruits is also up to you. One day, you can decide to have a yellow base ice cream with streaks of red and another day, you can jolly well decide to have a red base ice cream with streaks of yellow. It’s entirely up to your mood on that day. But bear in mind, it usually takes alot of fruits to have that first stream of ice cream going so don’t hesitate and pump more fruits in! To be fair, the machine is quite noisy when it’s on. But who talks when playing with the Yonanas? We just all smile and have fun together. So that’s one downside that I’m willing to live with just for all the wonderful plus points that I have mentioned.

I think once you lay your hands on the Yonanas, you will immediately become a Yonanas convert like me. I think the only limiting factor to the fun could be the lack of fruits in the freezer ready to be pumped into the machine. The ideal situation is to freeze the fruits for at least 24 hours. So my advice is, always make sure that your freezer is well-supplied with fruits. Then any other random day can be a Yonanas day!:)

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