A Breath of Fresh Night Air

Was wondering what to do on a Thursday night. Shopping, movies, chilling at home? Hmmm… none of those sounded right, or felt satisfying for the night..

How about going back to grab the bikes and go for a night ride with the gang? And night cycling it was last night! Cycled to Bedok jetty. Loved the cool breeze and the beautiful night lights.. Peaceful, calm and surreal.

Was about 9plus when we reached. Quite surprised at the number of people doing night fishing there. Enjoyed watching them relaxing after a day’s work, enjoying the company of friends, celebrating the excitement of a catch.

Stopped at the East Coast Village lagoon for some fuel before heading back. Decided on some nolstalgic items: Satay, Roti John, Ice-Lychee, Milo Dinosaurs

Love the energy of an impromptu activity! Love the breath of fresh air!

Breathe and Live. The wonderful tingling sensation of living. The energy in the air…. Like a humming bird in flight!

I Love Teas

I love teas!

So happy to have found these 2 interesting and wonderful flavours from Marks & Spencer. While I have always liked the biscuits and cereals from M&S, discovering their tea selection last year was the start of a new journey that awaken new senses! I must say so far, their tea flavours are really good! My current 2 favourites deserve a mention here – Empress Gray and Rooibos Vanilla.

Empress Grey is a twist on the usual earl grey, with a fruity note,  a wonderful subtle hint of citrus. Its a bit like the Lipton Russian Earl Grey, but that has a more floral note.. Empress Gray… a-pick-me up for the days where only the best for an Empress will do.. haha.

Rooibois Vanilla has a wonderful vanilla tinge. Its a delicious healthy choice being non-caffeine plus all the health benefits of Rooibois tea (not that you need to know all these to love it). Brings to mind the feeling I get from a cuppa the Tropical Passion Tea Latte from Coffee Bean. Rooibois Vanilla… for the days that are beautiful, warm and lovely.

Love them both with a dash of honey and a generous scoop of vanilla powder or non-dairy creamer! 🙂

Looking forward to my nice cuppa tea every morning! The wonderful aroma……  the exquisite lingering taste….. ah…….. The challenge is always to decide which bag for the day.