
Recently, Ving had the honor to be invited to a food-tasting session at Paradise Dynasty at Vivo City.
Being the latest 5th outlet in Singapore, it spans across more than 10,000 square feet.
At any one time, it can house over 350 guests, accompanied with 7 private rooms to dine in style and privacy, as well as a spectacular view overseeing Sentosa.
2014-05-03-16-36-12_deco[1]It was for the 2 new Xiao Long Bao flavors which Paradise Dynasty has specially crafted, in conjunction with the celebration of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
Today’s meal!
2014-05-03-17-05-48_deco[1]No I wasn’t acting emo.
Waiting for my delish food to arrive!
2014-05-03-17-34-36_deco[1]Before the main leads enter the scene, let’s start off with some appetiser!

Shredded Potatoes with Capsicum 家乡凉拌土豆丝, S$4.20++
2014-05-03-17-16-30_deco[1]Gosh the shredded potatoes were so crunchy and refreshing when coupled with the cooling dressing!
I actually didn’t expect that, ‘cos I thought they’ll be softer and more on the flavorful side.

Scrambled Egg White with Fish and Dried Scallop 瑶柱芙蓉赛螃蟹, S$12.80++
2014-05-03-17-20-42_deco[1]Closer shot!
2014-05-03-17-19-41_deco[1]We were kindly informed by the service staff that this dish will taste even better if we add some vinegar and pepper, and stir it all together with the egg yolk.
She was so right!! It totally brought its taste up to another level.
Moreover, I have to say that the chef really knows how to whip up this dish.
You can taste the individual textures of the egg white, fish, and dried scallop, yet they all blend really well when you eat a spoonful of them together.

And now………. *drumroll*
Let’s welcome our main leads!!!

Tribute Basket of Love – Yuan Yang Xiao Long Bao, S$13.90++
2014-05-03-17-08-00_deco[1]Complimentary colors!
2014-05-03-17-08-43_deco[1]New Flavor 1: Dang Gui 当归 (Chinese Angelica Root) for Mothers
2014-05-03-17-12-32_deco[1]Known as women’s herb, Dang Gui has been commonly used to treat various female gynaecological disorders.
Though it is especially popular among women, men can consume it too.
Its benefits include treatment for cardiovascular issues, constipation, insomnia, and inflammation, apart from women’s reproductive issues.

New Flavor 2: Shi Quan 十全 (10 Tonics) for Fathers
2014-05-03-17-14-08_deco[1]Shi Quan is a Chinese herbal formula consisting of 10 different herbs, and the combination is believed to improve the general condition of the body, and alleviate symptoms of fatigue, anaemia, loss of appetite etc.

In order to fully enjoy the flavors, the trick is to eat the Dang Gui Xiao long bao before the Shi Quan.
Dang Gui has a lighter taste as compared to Shi Quan, hence eating it 1st will prevent the latter’s stronger taste from overpowering it.
Overall, the herbal taste for both flavors were just nice and they compliment each other really well.

La Mian with Poached Marbled Beef in Szechuan Style 水煮肥牛肉拉面, S$13.80++
2014-05-03-17-22-27_deco[1]2014-05-03-17-24-38_deco[1]Geez why haven’t I tried this dish before for the umpteen times which I’d been to Paradise Dynasty??
It was so flavorful and appetising, yet the Szechuan taste wasn’t too overbearing, and it’s actually less spicy than what it seemed from the pictures.
The beef slices were really tender and seasoned well, plus given a generous portion.
They go very well with the QQ noodles!

La Mian in Signature Pork Bone Soup served with Deep-Fried Pork Ribs 蒜香排骨拉面, S$12.80++
2014-05-03-17-26-28_deco[1]The pork ribs (served separately) were so nicely deep-fried with the right amount of seasoning added, 2 big pieces of them weren’t enough for me alone!
And to think that I wasn’t a pork ribs fan to begin with!
Remember to eat them while they are still hot!
The crispiness will bring out the sun behind you! *heehee*
2014-05-03-17-28-49_deco[1]Happy me enjoying the pork ribs!
2014-05-03-17-31-12_deco[1]It’s not named the “Signature Pork Bone Soup” for nothing.
You can totally taste the full flavors from the pork bones that had seeped into the soup after long hours of slow-boiling it.
Bonus for that few slices of crunchy pig skin!
2014-05-03-17-27-30_deco[1]I’m sure by now you have an idea of where to bring your parents to for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrations!
Where else??
Paradise Dynasty of ‘cos!!! *heehee*

My stomach’s orchestra’s making fanfare-esque music now, after having to post pictures of such yummy-licious dishes.
That’s it.
Time for me to go cook my dinner.

I’ve to say, the service at this Paradise Dynasty outlet is very good!
I would like to take this opportunity to specially mention one of their service staff, named Cui Wah.
I really like her sincerity and professionalism when serving patrons.
Managed to capture a not-very-clear shot of me with her, while she’s patiently explaining some details to me.
I hope Paradise Group will notice her good service and keep her working there for long!
(Ok maybe I should write a compliment letter for her too.)
2014-05-03-17-29-39_deco[1]Till next time!! Ciao!! *juggles xiao long baos*

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