Welcome back, and to the 2nd Episode of the Cooking Series in our Mad Season 1!!!
Hope you had fun trying out the stuff in the previous episodes of the various series!!!
For today!!!
It was early rise and shine as Ving attempted in making breakfast!! I decided to try out the pancake mix from Betty Crocker for this meal. 1st Step:
Mix the Pancake Mix with water, according to the proportions given at the back of the box. I added in some chopped bananas too for my pancakes. 2nd Step:
Scoop a portion using a ladle, and pour onto the non-stick pan that’s already smeared with some cooking oil.
Let it sizzles till bubbles form on the pancake, then flip over.
Unknowingly, I created a new invention.
It is called “The Scrambled Pancakes”.
I’ve also prepared some other ingredients to go with the Scrambled Pancakes for a heartier breakfast.
And here’s Ving’s style of a hearty breakfast to begin the day with!!
(Yes. I actually attempted the Scrambled Pancakes 4 times, and the 5th time the pancake was made by putting it into the oven.) Verdict:
1st attempt at making the Scrambled Pancakes was actually the best, and it wasn’t even done on purpose.
It still does taste like normal pancakes, just without the ‘standard’ look.
The way to do it was just too scrambled it up when it’s half-cooked and threatening to stick onto your pan.
Give it a couple of flips too in making sure the mixture’s been cooked thoroughly. You can serve with some jam too.
Do stay tuned to the 3rd Episode of the Building Series which will be up on coming Monday!!!
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